A popular Japanese outfit. So cute^^

Japanese national dress???

The customs and culture of any nation are embodied in clothing. The traditional clothing of Japan wafuku is extremely beautiful and conveys the spirit of this country.

Let’s look at the most common types and styles of men’s and women’s clothing from the homeland of the samurai.


The kimono is a traditional garment of Japan and is a long robe with wide sleeves, which is tied at the waist with an obi belt. There are numerous straps and cords on the kimono. The difference between women’s kimono and men’s is that the robe of a Japanese woman consists of 12 parts, and it is almost impossible to put it on by yourself. A man’s kimono, on the other hand, is simpler, made of five elements and with short sleeves.

Kimono is tucked in from left to right, the exception is a funeral – on them the tucking goes in reverse order. A real Japanese kimono has a high price – from ten thousand dollars in the basic set, and with all the accessories about twenty thousand.

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